Date #18: “Flakey”

(Note: Refer to Date #0: “Flakey” for the background on this particular date)

So yes, “Flakey” and I finally went on our official date!!  Woohoo!!  Honestly, like I said in my last entry about him, I didn’t want to actually do this date.  But I figured I might as well since it’s been like 2 months in the making.  Plus, I’m running out of men that I meet organically, so why the hell not.  I will go ahead and give him a new set of ratings since he looked a lot better than I thought he would:


*Physical Aesthetics: 7

*Appearance: 8

*Personality: 5

*Manners: 5

*Intelligence: 9

*Confidence: 6-7

*Overall Rating: 6

The Date: So “Flakey” texted me this morning asking me what I was doing today since he ended up taking the day off.  And actually, he’s been texting me A LOT to hang out.  Not sure why after I pretty much told him off.  Anyways, I was apprehensive due to our earlier situation with trying to set this up, but I figured I’d give it a chance.  Why not.  Surprisingly, this time he ACTUALLY answered my texts in time and it didn’t take him an hour to get back to me.  He must have taken what I said to him to heart, because he pretty much forced this meeting today.  I tried getting out of it when he almost flaked (apparently he had forgotten he had a dinner with his sister and her boyfriend), but he pretty much made his schedule work to what I wanted.  Which is very lovely, every girl should have that power over men.  😉  Anyways, we decided to meet halfway (actually what he doesn’t know is this wasn’t halfway whatsoever, it was much closer to my house than he thought) so that our timing would work out.  We ended up meeting at a local restaurant/bar for a couple of happy hour drinks.

We caught up on a lot of things in the short time (an hour…if even) that we got together for.  He lives downtown in a dorm-style apartment complex with a roommate that he can’t stand.  He works for a large insurance company and is pretty much living the “American dream”.  You know what I say to this??  BORING!!!  Haha.  He love his job and the corporate world, he’s not much of a partier anymore (unlike before), and he’s coming to the terms with the fact that he’s “middle-aged.”  Seriously??  Personally, I don’t find mid-twenties to be “middle-aged,” but he seriously made me feel old for a bit there.

I did like the fact that he wasn’t shy about confronting me about calling him out on shit and on him being a total douchebag (seriously, he said straight up that he was).  I’ve found the reasoning to his flakiness, which totally explains the nickname I’ve given him: he’s extremely forgetful.  Most definitely not an excuse, but maybe on our next date (if there is one), I should bring him some Ginkgo biloba.  I guess he just texts a bunch of people who he thinks are willing to hang out and then he ends up making too many plans at a time.  Or he’ll just straight up forget.  Weirdly enough, this is the exact behavior I expect from my “Tinky Winky Pooh Bear” (my bestest friend in the entire world), but she’s my best friend…and he’s not.    So ya that’s his alibi.  He did bring up the fact that he knows how irritated I was the past couple of times that we’ve tried hanging out, and he halfheartedly apologized for being a “douchebag”; which was nice.  He also brought up the fact that it was probably the same reason why we stopped hanging out back in college (gosh he remembers a lot!).  Honestly, I’m just glad that he completely realizes and comes to terms with his downfalls; because he has a lot.

We then started discussing jobs.  While I am not one to judge anyone’s occupation and whatever it is that makes a person happy, let’s just put it this way: I’m more so a dreamer and creative in every sense of the word, while he is more so the 9-to-5, corporate person who is all about the “American Dream.”  He literally made some comment about how everyone should have the dream of an old Victorian-style brick house with the white picket fence, the wife who stays at home to make dinner and the husband who comes home after a day of golf.  In fact, he’s so disappointed at his sister and his sister’s fiance in that that’s not their ideals.  Honestly, it’s a bit ridiculous.  He doesn’t get my lifestyle at all (2 jobs: one part-time desk job and one night time bar job, not wanting a 9-to-5 job (especially nothing corporate), not having the same wishes of the “white picket fence” dream, etc.) and I don’t think he means to, but I think he sees my life kind of as a joke.  Well…at least that’s how I felt.  Like, here’s serious, business oriented, corporate America “Flakey” and then there’s me, a dreamer who doesn’t want to give in to corporate America.

Our date ended after about an hour when he had to leave for dinner.  It was perfect timing because I was beginning to become annoyed.  He did, however, invite me to his friend’s party this weekend.  Will I be attending?  The likelihood is negative.

*Positives: He admitted to being a bit of a douche in that he’s extremely forgetful (a.k.a. flakey), he looked a lot better than I thought he would, he paid for all our drinks like a gentleman should (I did mention that as a girl, I never pay for things and he took the liberty to continue this statement of mine), it was fairly good conversation

*Negatives: He’s still a big flake, we don’t have any of the same ideals when it comes to living life in general, he kept obviously looking at my boobs throughout the entire date, he’s pretty boring…and I mean I’m boring…but not like he’s boring.

Second Date?: Nah.  Unless I’m really bored.  And I feel like putting myself through miserable corporate talk again.

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